- Cemeteries (at Shaw and Newtown Road)
- Markets (every Thursday and Saturday)
- Allotments (Dairy Farm, One Tree Park, Parsons, Southby’s, Wash Common and West Mills)
- The Office of the Town Mayor (Civic events and Mayor’s diary)
- War Memorial and Remembrance Day Commemorations
- Newbury Youth Council
- Christmas Lights
- The Town Hall
- The Clock Tower
- Public Open Spaces (Victoria Park, City Rec, Wash Common etc.)
- Playgrounds (Digby Road, Cromwell Road, Cresswell Road etc.)
- Football Pitch and Bandstand bookings
- Town Centre Floral Displays
- Bus Shelters / Footway Lighting (some) / Public Seats (some) / Grit Bins (some)
- Newbury Art Trail