Mayor of Newbury's Charitable Trust
The Mayor's Charitable Trust is a charity run by each Mayor of Newbury during their term in office.
Previously known as the Mayor's Benevolent Fund, its activities have been known to exist since the 1920s, but has been a registered charity since 1998. The charity's aims are:
- Oversee the fundraising for a charitable organisation, as decided by the Mayor of Newbury.
- To act as a key link to ensure a joined up and co-ordinated working relationship between the Mayor of Newbury’s Office and the Mayor’s chosen charity for the Civic/Municipal Year.
The Civic Mayor may determine one organisation that he or she wishes to support during their mayoral year as agreed at the Annual Meeting of Newbury Town Council.

The Mayor's chosen charity for the municipal year 2024-2025 is West Berks Foodbank.
You can find out more about the Mayor's upcoming fundraising activities HERE
How to support
Donations can be made to the Mayor’s Charitable Trust by contacting the Mayor's Office
Alternatively, you can also attend one of the Mayor’s fundraising events. Keep an eye on Newbury Town Council social media and our notice boards to hear about future fundraising events.
For more information please contact
Registered Charity Number: 1073253

The Mayor's Drive and Tea Party
The Mayor’s Drive and Tea Party was an annual event which has been in existence since 1947 and usually took place on the first Wednesday of July. Those over the age of 75 years old in Newbury Town were invited to be driven through the countryside by volunteer drivers and arrive at the grounds of a large house in the area. They were provided with afternoon tea, ice cream, entertainment, and then driven back home. In the region of 1,200 guests were invited every year with approximately 400 people involved, including volunteer drivers.
The last event of its kind took place in 2019. Following a 2 year absence due to the Coronavirus pandemic, interest in participation from both volunteers and elderly people in the town took a decline and the event was retired in 2022.
As an alternative, the Mayor of Newbury takes the opportunity during their Mayoral year to host a tea party for local residents. The Mayor picks the theme for the event and the event is promoted in the local community.