One of the Council’s key strategic aims is to provide focused support for young people, minorities and the vulnerable.
The Council does this through partnership working, making facilities and equipment available, financial support and grant aid, and helping to promote the aims and objectives of people, groups and organisations working in the community.
Newbury Town Council proudly supports:
- Berkshire Youth
- Greenham Community Youth Project
- West Berkshire Volunteer Centre
- Citizens’ Advice West Berkshire
- Newbury Town Centre CCTV
- Community United West Berkshire
- Loose Ends
- Eight Bells for Mental Health
- Newbury Soup Kitchen
- West Berkshire Homeless
- Swings and Smiles
- Dingley’s Promise
- West Berkshire Mencap
- Time to Talk West Berkshire
- Newbury Cancer Care
- Fair Close Centre (Age Concern, Newbury & District)
- Newbury Weekly News over 80’s parcel fund
- West Berkshire Period Boxes
- Home-Start West Berkshire
- Newbury Family Counselling Service
- The Newbury Community Resource Centre
- Bangladesh Welfare Centre Newbury
- West Berkshire Muslim Centre
- Newbury Pride
- The Newbury Business Improvement District (The BID)
- Friends of Wash Common Library
- Growing Newbury Green
- Newbury Community Apple Day
- Newbury Friends of the Earth