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Newbury Town Council Will contribute £2,500 to help fund Community United’s Cricket and Family Day on 25th September 2022 at Falkland Cricket Club.

Cllr Gary Norman, the Mayor of Newbury, said that the Council was delighted to support the event, which aims to promote inclusion and diversity within the community, “The Council applauds Community United who work to bring communities together by eliminating discrimination and promoting positive relationships between our diverse communities.

This is a fun event, and the cricket will be played with a soft ball, so it is suitable for all ages and for all the family. Berkshire youth will be providing entertainment and activities for young people, and Kennet Radio will also be adding to the excitement on the day!”

Alice Kunjappy-Clifton, who is the CEO of Community United said, “We are very grateful to Newbury Town Council for their wonderful support for our annual One Community event.  It will help us to put on the best event yet.”   

The Council’s contribution will be paid into The Good Exchange and will attract match funding from The Greenham trust, making an overall value of £5,000 to Community United.

For more information, see https://communityunited.uk/one-community-cricket-family-fun-day-2022/


Cllr Gary Norman, Mayor of Newbury gary.norman@newbury.gov.uk 07801 046115

Hugh Peacocke, CEO Newbury Town Council hugh.peacocke@newbury.gov.uk 01635 35486