Newbury Town Council will be hosting its third Climate Change Workshop on Saturday 17 April 2021. The workshop will be held via ZOOM and open at 2:15pm for a 2:30pm start.
Cllr Martin Colston, Leader of the Council, is keen for people to get involved, saying, “In 2019/20 we were delighted to have achieved a 38% reduction in our carbon footprint. We are committed to take action to ensure that the activities of the Town Council are carbon neutral by 2030 or before.
Wash Common Scouts and Ladybirds Pre-School have recently received the first ever Climate Change grants awarded by Newbury Town Council. This grant scheme is ongoing, and we are showing our commitment in supporting organisations who will work with us to tackle issues relating to Climate Change and biodiversity. We would encourage anyone to bring forward suitable projects at the Workshop in April”.
The Workshop will have a number of guest speakers including Susan Millington who is involved with the local ‘Lockdown Wood’ scheme. Their aim is to dedicate an entire wood to the memory of the difficult and painful period of the coronavirus pandemic by planting saplings in local areas. Goldwell Park and Barn Crescent have already been planted.
Lauretta Wright will be introducing the ‘Heat the Home Counties’ organisation ( who can help with energy efficient grant funding for resident’s energy efficiency and savings.
Other guest speakers will be announced nearer the time.
Cllr Chris Foster, Chair of the Town Council’s Climate Change Working Group said, “At the workshop we will also provide an update on ongoing efforts to further reduce our carbon footprint, including energy efficiency upgrades in the Town Hall and plans to incorporate more ‘indirect’ emissions – such as those produced by contractors – in our carbon footprint assessment”.
To join in the workshop, follow the link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 9112 5288
Passcode: 424818
Cllr Martin Colston, Leader of the Council 01635 36591
David Ingram, Community Service Manger 01635 780208