The Planning Application for the Victoria Park Community Café has been submitted to West Berkshire Council and is available to view through their website 24/02510/FUL.
The Mayor of Newbury hosted a Festive Afternoon Tea on Tuesday 17th December for 50 guests all over the age of 75, to celebrate the Festive Season at St Nicolas Church Hall.
A joint effort between Newbury in Bloom, Newbury Town Council and The SEWA Group has resulted in the planting of 60 new trees, marking a significant step forward in enhancing Newbury’s natural environment.
In a community effort to support biodiversity and enhance Newbury’s natural landscape, dedicated volunteers from local company Stryker, came together to plant 100 metres of new hedge line along the A339 at Victoria Park.
Newbury Town Council will be flying the United Nations flag on the 29th November to mark the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
In a significant step towards enhancing sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, Newbury Town Council has purchased a fully electric van as part of its ongoing commitment to addressing the climate emergency