On 5 November 2022 Newbury Town Council plan to install a micro-wildflower meadow on the small area of land next to the garages near to the Ladybirds Preschool. The Preschool has suggested this as a valuable learning resource which will also help with pollinators in the area.
On the same day we will be planting bulbs along the edges and around the trees, through the footpaths of Culver Road and Three Acre Road. The bulbs will be native species such as daffodils, snowdrops and wild garlic.
Cllr Martin Colston, Leader of the Council said, “We are inviting local residents to help plant the bulbs and the wildflower seeds and come and take part in this community event. This new ‘micro-wildflower meadow’ and bulb planting will further enhance Newbury’s open spaces for everyone making a beautiful show in the Spring. Newbury Town Council are sponsoring this event for the Community to enjoy in the future.”
If you would like to help plant the bulbs and wildflower seeds, we are starting at the new ‘micro meadow’ at 10am and progressing from there to the other areas.
If you would like to get involved or have any comment on the project please contact James Heasman, the Town Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Supervisor by email James.Heasman@newbury.gov.uk or you can call him on 07775 434475.