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The Town Council may have to close playground at Digby Road as vandals have caused considerable damage to the play equipment this week.

Two children’s slides have been vandalised and sprayed with graffiti. The slides are most likely beyond repair, and it is in question as to whether they can be replaced due to the costs of such equipment.

In the last week there has been a wave of graffiti and damage throughout Newbury, including some of the Town Council’s plays areas and in Victoria Park.  

Damage and graffiti has been caused to the paddle boat container, kiosk, skatepark, tennis courts and the gates in Victoria Park. The graffiti must carefully be removed by the Town Council’s contractors at additional expense.

Cllr Martin Colston, Leader of the Council said, “We are so disappointed to find that we have suffered this damage at several our recreation areas. We have reported these incidents to the Police, and we will prosecute if the culprit is found.  Last year we had a successful prosecution and the vandal has since paid for the damage they caused.

These vandals are in effect stealing money from all of us as we have to pay to repair the damage and destruction they cause. This in turn can lead to the Council not being able to afford other badly needed services.

We would urge anyone with any information on who may be causing this damage to go to the Police or If you don’t feel comfortable calling the Police you can always call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111”.


David Ingram, Community Service Manger David.Ingram@newbury.gov. 01635 780208

Cllr Martin Colston, Leader of the Council martin.colston@newbury.gov.uk

Digby Road Play Area

Digby Road Playground