Following the postponement of the Open Day in September, Newbury Town Hall is delighted to open its doors to the public to celebrate an Historical Open Day on Sunday 30th October, 10am to 2pm, so that everyone can view the Council Chamber, The Civic Staircase, The Town Hall portraits, and other civic regalia. This includes the Town Hall Honours Boards, which list the Mayors of Newbury, going back to 1596 and features many well-known local families.
Although meetings in the Town Hall are open to the public, and there are often coffee mornings and other community events in the Chamber, it appears there are still a lot of Newbury people who have not visited the Chamber. The event is FREE, including refreshments, and all are welcome. A lift is available for anyone who has difficulty with the steps and staircase.
As a highlight of the event, local historian David Peacock will be giving illustrated talks about the Town Hall at 11am and 1pm where you will be able to further learn about the history of the how the current Town Hall was built, and the buildings positioned here in days gone by.
There will be a special display which celebrates 25 years of Newbury Town Council as part of their Silver Anniversary commemorations since their reformation in 1997. The display highlights key community projects which have impacted local people in the town.
Speaking ahead of the event, the Mayor Newbury, Cllr Gary Norman said, “Come and meet me for a chat in the Town Hall and learn about 400 years of history at the same time. Find out what the maces are used for, and why Newbury has two of them. Discover why Newbury has a teazel on its flag, the name of the Mayor’s Bear and why 2022 is so special for Newbury Town Council.
Contact: Elisa Adams, Civic Manager 07538 334106
Cllr Gary Norman, The Mayor of Newbury 07801 046115